Today, the meeting was held on Residential Office of National Youth Development Committee. Meeting Starts on 12:30 where many new faces are come in first time of this meeting The New and Very Good Member or volunteer for this purpose and in this meeting is the new and very inspiring person is Mr. Paras Kashyap who having many ideas and ability to show his talent Mr. Kashyap tell all body members about the Youth and he incourage the Youth about NYDC. The Member who come in this meeting are as Follows:-
- Mr. Sachin Tiwari
- Mr. Gajendra Singh
- Mr. Jai Prakash Thakur
- Mr. Manu Kaushik
- Mr. Rahul Mahamna
- Mr. Kishan
- Mr. Paras Kashyap
- Mr. Deepak
- and So on members come in the meeting.
This Makar Shakranti Day is going awesome by doing this prosperous work. Mr. Kashyap was telling the youth about many thing about Economics, Arts and Other Social Aspects. Every person is inspired from his speech. And the Organization Celebrate the Makar Sakranti Celebration by eating Nuts and Other Eatables.
Deepak Sir was talking about National Anthem. And give vision of NYDC.
Jai Prakash, Gajendra Singh and Sachin Tiwari Manage the peoples and they do discussion with all members. The Main Advisor Manu Kaushik manage whole system in this organization with the Special Effort of Gajendra Singh.
The Governing Body also Decides that the Mr. Paras Kashyap was be Able to be a Prabakta of National Youth Development Committee.The meeting was over around 2:40 o Clock by Singhing National Anthem of India.
That as Follows:-
Jana-Gana-Mana-Adhinayaka, Jaya HeBharata-Bhagya-VidhataPunjab-Sindhu-Gujarata-MarathaDravida-Utkala-BangaVindhya-Himachala-Yamuna-GangaUchchhala-Jaladhi TarangaTava Subha Name JageTava Subha Ashisa MageGahe Tava Jaya Gatha.Jana-Gana-Mangala Dayaka, Jaya HeBharata-Bhagya-Vidhata,Jaya He, Jaya He, Jaya He,Jaya Jaya Jaya, Jaya He
The meeting Over after Jana Gana Mana..