Kuch log ese hote hai jo itihash padhte hai,Kuch Ithihash Padhate hai, Kuch ese hote hai Jo NYDC mein aate hai Or Khud Itihash Banate Hai. Jai Hind Jai Bharat!...Khem Chand Rajora....A Great Leader's Courage to fulfill his Vision comes from Passion, not Position...Gajendra Kumar....National Youth Development Committee is a Platform which remove the hesitation and improve the motivation and talent of the Youth...Manu Kaushik..!!

About Us

National Youth Development Committee

National Youth Development Committee is a national Youth Based NGO and an Unit of Rashtriya Sarvshakti Sewa Sansthan (Regd.)  NGO under NCT of Govt. of Delhi Societies Registration Act-1860, Established in 2011.
 National Youth Development Committee (NYDC) has been working. We work in all over india. We partner local NGOs, community based organizations and people's movements to collectively address poverty, inequality and injustice.
Our focus is on the rights of India’s most marginalized communities: Dalit and indigenous people, rural and urban poor, women, children and minorities and we help the Youth and give them a Platform to show their hidden Talent. These groups face an acute lack of access to and control over resources, services, and institutions.
We pay special attention to those in vulnerable situations such as people living with chronic hunger, Disability, migrant and bonded workers, children who are out of school, city-dwellers without a home, and people whose land or livelihood is under threat.
We also work with women, men, girls and boys who have been trafficked, displaced, or hit by natural and human-made disasters.

Videos on NYDC,
National Youth Development Committee

